1st Responders: "Is there any way to be protected from all the things that are coming on the earth?"
Yes! Psalm 91...this is God's answer, God's Covenant of Protection for those of you who will take it seriously, meet the conditions spelled out in verses 1 and 2, and have the courage to believe God's promises of protection in verses 3 through 16. This Psalm is not merely a prayer to bring comfort during times of sorrow, danger, and even attack; these promises can literally save your life! That is why we are making the Psalm 91 Card available to 1st Responders who risk your lives every day for the sake of the safety and well being of your fellow men and women. Countless testimonies of the miraculous protection of Psalm 91 from Civil War times - up until the present day - are documented and will strengthen your faith in this Divine Covenant.
The 2 x 3.5 inch Psalm 91 Cards are easily carried on your person, and are available as donations come in to produce and ship them. These cards are FREE of charge to Responders, even the shipping is FREE. If you are requesting cards for non-Responders, we would truly appreciate a donation so that we can continue to make and ship FREE Psalm 91 cards to Responders. To date, over 2,250,000 Psalm 91 cards have been made and shipped to Responders in 44 States and 11 foreign countries.
Other FREE OS91 Resources are available as donations come in to make and ship them.