For several years, Law Enforcement, Fire/Rescue and other Responders have been leading the way in Taking A Stand of Noncapitulation to the political correctness of today's society and to the demands of atheist organizations, who want to steal the very Christian Patriotic Foundations of this country out from under us. Sheriff after Sheriff, Police Chief after Police Chief, Fire Department after Fire Department across the U.S. are identifying themselves as true Patriots and Taking A Stand for God and our National Motto by putting "In God We Trust" on their Department as well as their personal vehicles.
Operation Safety 91 is supporting these Responders as they boldly and bravely lead the way in this ever growing "In God We Trust" Movement. OS91 has made six 3" x 4" "In God We Trust" vehicle decals: thin blue line for Law Enforcement, thin red line for Fire Rescue, thin green line for Military, thin white on blue for EMS, thin gold line for Dispatch and thin silver for Corrections. Also available as a 3” x 4” vehicle decal is OS91’s Christian Patriotic logo.
We ask you to Take A Stand for God and our National Motto with us! Place a decal on your vehicle, resisting the opposition, not negotiating, not capitulating! Together we need to fight this battle against godlessness until this country again belongs to God!
Other FREE OS91 Resources are available as donations come in to produce and ship them.