Operation Safety 91's purpose is to honor, protect, and support our Protectors; to help people across America understand the dedication of these brave men and women, and the daily risk involved in the life of a Responder. Most every alarm, call, or order they receive has inherent uncertainty and danger. They never know who you are or where you are in need they are there for you. Whether on duty or off, they pledge to protect you personally, your family, your home, and your business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your safety is their focus. What do they ask in return? Nothing! Hopefully Operation Safety 91 can increase America's awareness to say "Thank You" to all Responders you meet, wherever you are.
We also appreciate the spouses, parents, and children of our Responders. They face a unique concern: will their loved one be safe today? When they report for duty or are called, will this be the last day their loved one is alive? Our concern and prayers are with all of them every day. They are all very special to us!